• Earshot Jazz, v.34, no.9, Sep. 2018

    Earshot Jazz, v.34, no.9, Sep. 2018

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins with notes on Seattle JazzED, Tobi Stone, Ann Reynolds, and the winners of the Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra (SWOJO)'s Women Composers Competition, page 3. Bud Young is the focus of a memorial piece on page 4 by Peter Monaghan. Ken Pickering is featured in a memorial piece on page 5 by John Gilbreath. The full performance listing of the 2018 Earshot Jazz Festival is presented on page 7. Jovino Santos Neto and his music engagement in the Seattle Jazz scene are discussed on page 8. The Westerlies are featured on page 10 by Tara Peters. The Bellhaven Jazz Festival and its performances are described on page 11 by Marianne Gontermann. DjangoFest Northwest is discussed on page 12 by Lucienne Aggarwal. Local venues are presented on page 13 for their All-Age access, jam sessions, and education opportunities, written by Tara Peters. Earshot Jazz reviews albums by Bill Anschell and Bad Luck, page 18. Additional performances are listed on page 20. Cover art is a photograph of Jovino Santos Neto.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_2018_34_09

    Date: 2018-09

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.14, no.5, May 1998

    Earshot Jazz, v.14, no.5, May 1998

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins with notes on Jon Belcher, Roosevelt High School Jazz Band, Chuck Smart, Dan Blunck, John Gilbreath, Pamela Moore Dionne, Jeff Gunn, Rainbow Tavern, Speakeasy Cafe, Bebop & Destruction, Circa, Sonarchy, Phil Gelb, Susie Kozakawa, Matthew Sperry, Hands To, Bill Matthews, Doug Haire, Free Consultation, Naked Slime Duo, Christian Asplund, Amy Denio, KBCS-FM, Bob Summerise, Lesli Dalaba, Briggan Krauss, Wayne Horvitz, and a warning about gear theft, page 1. Wallace Roney is featured in an interview with Gordon Todd on musical influences, page 3. Buddy Catlett is featured in an artist biography by Paul de Barros, page 4. Performance previews and announcements for the Clusone Trio and Buell Neidlinger's Bluegrass by Gary Bannister beginning on page 6. Gordon Todd writes about Dave Peck's music on page 8. Highlight performances and events include the Seattle Festival of Improvised Music, Marvin Stamm, Center of Jazz Showcases series, LAND, Project W, and the Shoreline Concert Band, page 10. Earshot Jazz announces the upcoming artists, groups, and events for their Living Spirit of Jazz series and their Eastside Showcase series, including the Jack Brownlow Trio, Dave Peck Trio, Milt Kleeb Band, Roosevelt High School Jazz Band and Vocal Ensemble, Jeff Johnson Quintet, and Davis/Taylor Group, page 11. Cover art is a photograph of Buddy Catlett with his bass and the caption 'Jazz Veteran Buddy Catlett'.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_1998_14_05

    Date: 1998-05

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.28, no.1, Jan. 2012

    Earshot Jazz, v.28, no.1, Jan. 2012

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins with notes on Jim Wilke's Jazz Northwest and Sonarchy with Doug Haire, page 3. Eyvind Kang is the focus of an artist biography on page 4 by Schraepfer Harvey. Zach Para and his recent endeavors are discussed on page 7 by Danielle Bias. The Royal Room, a new Seattle venue, is featured in a venue profile on page 8 by Steve Griggs. The JazzVox series is featured on page 12 by Schraepfer Harvey and Libby Graham. The Racer Sessions at Cafe Racer celebrate their second anniversary on page 14. 'Before Seattle Rocked: A City and Its Music' by Kurt E. Armbruster is reviewed on page 16 by Steve Griggs. Additional performances are listed beginning on page 18. Cover art is a photograph of Eyvind Kang.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_2012_28_01

    Date: 2012-01

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.30, no.5, May 2014

    Earshot Jazz, v.30, no.5, May 2014

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins notes on Jim Wilke, The Westerlies, Jason Parker, Steve Treseler, Chano Dominguez, Jack Straw Productions Artist Support Recipients, and the lineup for Sonarchy with Doug Haire, page 4. Burn List is featured in a group biography on page 6 by Steve Griggs. Jacque Willis is discussed on page 8 by Nathan Bluford. IMPfest VI is highlighted on page 10 by Evan Smith, who discusses scheduled performances at the festival. Performances for the Bellevue Jazz Festival are listed and described on page 11. Earshot Jazz reviews the albums State of the Art by Dee Daniels, Snail Songs by the Syrinx Effect, Tempest/Cobalt by Dawn Clement, and Feel It Give Way by Eric Barber's Metrilodic. Additional performances begin on page 18. Cover art is a photograph of Burn List.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_2014_30_05

    Date: 2014-05

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.31, no.3, Mar. 2015

    Earshot Jazz, v.31, no.3, Mar. 2015

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins with notes on the performance lineup for Sonarchy with Doug Haire, page 3. The Golden Ear Awards is discussed on page 4 with a list of the nominees for 2014. On page 6, Farko Dosumov is featured in an artist biography by Andrew Luthringer. Joe Doria is the focus of an article on page 8 by Steve Griggs. Earshot Jazz Spring Series and its performances are listed beginning on page 10. Paul Kikuchi's album release for Bat of No Bird Island is featured on page 14. The 2015 Seattle Jazz Experience is discussed on page 16. Additional performances are listed on page 18. Cover art is a photograph of Farko Dosumov.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_2015_31_03

    Date: 2015-03

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.23, no.11, Nov. 2007

    Earshot Jazz, v.23, no.11, Nov. 2007

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins with notes on the Roosevelt Jazz Band, Sonarchy, Jim Haynes, The Curious Mystery, In Lake'ch, BSNF, Adam Diller, Matt Crane, Jason Anderson, Doug Haire, Dawn Clement, Greta Matassa, Darin Clendenin, Michael Owcharuk, The Owcharuk Sextet, Broken Time Records, Jim Knodle, Beth Fleenor, Jacob Breibach, Nate Omdal, Mike Hams, Victor Noriega, Pontius Pilot, and Egan's Ballard Jam House, page 3. Photographs taken be Daniel Sheehan at the 2007 Earshot Jazz Festival are displayed beginning on page 4. On page 6, Michael Shrieve is featured by Michael Allison, who discusses Shrieve's musical experience. The Raymond Scott Project by Monktail Creative Music Concern is discussed on page 9 by Elaine M. Hayes. The Eastside Jazz Extravaganza is featured on page 11 followed by the Ballard Jazz Walk on page 12. Rochelle House is the focus of an article by Charles Freeman, page 13. Nels Magelssen discusses 'Jazz Brains' on page 15. Greta Matassa writes a music lesson on rhythmic phrasing, page 17. Highlight performances begin on page 18. John Butcher, Torsten Muller, and Dylan van der Schyff are the focus of an article on page 20. Cover art is a photograph of Michael Shrieve.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_2007_23_11

    Date: 2007-11

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.25, no.7, Jul. 2009

    Earshot Jazz, v.25, no.7, Jul. 2009

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    In this issue Peter Walton begins with a profile on the musical group Speak Up, how they have evolved to create a unique identity under Cuong Vu's leadership, page 4. Earshot notes on the Northwest Jazz Festivals coming up in summer and fall of 2009 compiles by Peter Walton, page 9. Danielle Dias catches up with Clark Gayton, the talented multi-instrumentalist through his experiences as a musician starting as a high schooler, page 11. Peter Monaghan previews the Second Century performance series as a series for musicians to greater their playing and to expand our ears as listeners - along with a line-up of musicians we should expect, page 14. Jessica Davis previews Jazz Port Townsend - the week long intense jazz learning through workshops by professional jazz performers with faculty performance to end the week, page 16. Earshot previews the Sounds Outside, a musical celebration that unites the community with many different performances from incredible musicians, page 17. Chris Robinson reviews two CDs, We Couldn't Agree More by Bill Anschell/ Brent Jensen and The Second Set by Ambience Jazz Quartet, page 19.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_2009_25_07

    Date: 2009-07

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  • Earshot Jazz, no.1, Dec. 1984

    Earshot Jazz, no.1, Dec. 1984

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins with a featured biography on bassist Rufus Reid, page 1. Earshot Jazz reviews the album Multnomah Rhythms by Rich Halley, Obo by Obo Addy, Transition by Barney McClure, and The Past and Tomorrows by Barbara Donald and Unity, page 2. This issue holds notes on Bill Ramsay, Al Hood, Jim Knapp, Gary Bannister, Jan Stentz, Profile, The Quartet, Vocal Summit, KUOW, KJZZ, Mike Bisio, Barbara Donald, Steve Allen, Dave Peterson's, Unions #76, Ted Brancato, Julian Priester, Mike Nock, and KBCS, page 3. Cover art is a headshot of Rufus Reid.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_1984_01_01

    Date: 1984-12

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.14, no.2, Feb. 1998

    Earshot Jazz, v.14, no.2, Feb. 1998

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    This issue begins with an article by Peter Monaghan on the new Tonehole Music Festival in Seattle, page 1. Notes focus on Earshot Jazz announces upcoming artists, groups, and events in their Living Spirit of Jazz series and Eastside Showcase series, including The Imperials Music and Youth Benefit, Kelley Johnson CD Release Party, Steve Korn Quintet, and Radio Chongching, page 9. Highlight performances for this month include Kerouac-No Jack, Other Sounds, Re-Creation, Pat Metheny Group, Pocketfull o'Brass, Pipa Jazz, School Fest, Max Roach w/ Brass, Winard Harper, Horvitz/Bisio Duo, and Hans Fahling, page 11. Wally Shoup discusses the difference between jazz and free improvisation, page 12. Earshot Jazz reviews the albums Timothy Young and Very Special People by Timothy Young, and Stinkhorn by Stinkhorn, page 15. Cover art is a collage/illustration by Daniel Zezelj.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_1998_14_02

    Date: 1998-02

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  • Earshot Jazz, v.19, no.1, Jan. 2003

    Earshot Jazz, v.19, no.1, Jan. 2003

    Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

    In this issue Peter Monaghan begins with an article about Dawn Clement, her unique voice that shows in her piano playing, and that she definitely is going somewhere, page 1. Earshot jazz notes a film festival called, The Blues, a festival to foster blues as a genre of music and how it has come to influence the world, page 4. This year's Golden Ear Awards honors some of the best in the northwest, page 5. Peter Monaghan review's Use Us, the Japanese big band, Continued in the Underground's CD, page 6. Cover photo is a photograph of Dawn Clement, photo by Daniel Sheehan.

    Identifier: spl_ej_571712_2003_19_01

    Date: 2003-01

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