We will transition to our fall hours schedule beginning Wednesday, Sept. 25. For more information and complete fall hours schedules, visit www.spl.org/FallHours.
Use free online dictionaries, encyclopedias and other tools for research and writing.
Online Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
AP Stylebook Online
This online version of the official Associated Press Stylebook is searchable, customizable and updated regularly. It offers writing guidelines for spelling, usage, punctuation and style. Includes access to Webster's New World College Dictionary.
Britannica Library
The Encyclopedia Britannica online, plus a dictionary, thesaurus, world atlas, the full text of current magazine and journal articles, live feeds from a variety of news sources and much more.
Britannica Library: Children
Encyclopedia Britannica for Kids. Offers thousands of articles, images, videos and more to help students from kindergarten through high school learn about the world.