• 2 houses on Harrison between 1st Ave. & Warren; at extreme right is corner of Warren Ave. School. View N.E.

    2 houses on Harrison between 1st Ave. & Warren; at extreme right is corner of Warren Ave. School. View N.E.

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Future site of the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World’s Fair). In 1956, the City of Seattle’s Civic Center Advisory Committee selected land surrounding the existing Civic Auditorium at the foot of Queen Anne Hill for the site of the Century 21 Exposition and a future Civic Center for the city. In 1957, the city acquired the property through condemnation. With a few exceptions, including the Civic Auditorium (which was transformed into the Opera House) and the National Guard Armory (which became the Food Circus), most existing buildings were demolished. This set of photos documents the site before demolition began.

    Identifier: spl_wl_sec_00217

    Date: 1957-10

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  • Brusselles [i.e. Bruxelles] Waffle House; Opera House right background; view N.E.

    Brusselles [i.e. Bruxelles] Waffle House; Opera House right background; view N.E.

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Belgian Waffle House (Gaufres de Bruxelles), Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair): "Belgian waffles are famous for being widely introduced at a worlds fair, and most reference books say that it was the 1964-1965 New York Worlds Fair. They are wrong. The tasty treats were a hit first in Seattle. The New York version was a lighter waffle and is better known today, but the Belgian Waffle House was a popular spot with the Seattle crowds." (Bill Cotter, Seattle's 1962 World's Fair. 2010: Arcadia Publishing, p. 101.)

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00414

    Date: 1962-04-01

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  • 2 houses 165 (left) and 161 (right west) Harrison Str.

    2 houses 165 (left) and 161 (right west) Harrison Str.

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Future site of the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World’s Fair). In 1956, the City of Seattle’s Civic Center Advisory Committee selected land surrounding the existing Civic Auditorium at the foot of Queen Anne Hill for the site of the Century 21 Exposition and a future Civic Center for the city. In 1957, the city acquired the property through condemnation. With a few exceptions, including the Civic Auditorium (which was transformed into the Opera House) and the National Guard Armory (which became the Food Circus), most existing buildings were demolished. This set of photos documents the site before demolition began.

    Identifier: spl_wl_sec_00274

    Date: 1957

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  • View so. on Boulevard East; Kodak sales girl at right

    View so. on Boulevard East; Kodak sales girl at right

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    The Eastman Kodak Pavilion at the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair). "At the Eastman Kodak Pavilion, on American Way across from the Bell System Pavilion, camera and film technicians operate a photography information service. The technicians assist visitors with special problems they may have with cameras and offer advice on the use of cameras and film. In addition, there are displays of photography." (Official Guide Book, Seattle World's Fair 1962. Seattle: Acme Publications. p. 60.)

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00341

    Date: 1962-06-19

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  • Alley 200 block, so. of Thomas between Nob Hill and 3rd Ave. N. View S.E. House to right still occupied

    Alley 200 block, so. of Thomas between Nob Hill and 3rd Ave. N. View S.E. House to right still occupied

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Future site of the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World’s Fair). In 1956, the City of Seattle’s Civic Center Advisory Committee selected land surrounding the existing Civic Auditorium at the foot of Queen Anne Hill for the site of the Century 21 Exposition and a future Civic Center for the city. In 1957, the city acquired the property through condemnation. With a few exceptions, including the Civic Auditorium (which was transformed into the Opera House) and the National Guard Armory (which became the Food Circus), most existing buildings were demolished. This set of photos documents the site before demolition began.

    Identifier: spl_wl_sec_00203

    Date: 1957-10

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  • View S.W. of International Mall from Phillipine [i.e. Philippines] Pavilion

    View S.W. of International Mall from Phillipine [i.e. Philippines] Pavilion

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    International Mall of the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair). “The largest and most diverse of the five great theme areas of the Seattle World’s Fair is the wide and wonderfully varied World of Commerce and Industry. It stretches to the opposite ends of the fair grounds and it is divided into two major divisions, domestic and foreign. The foreign exhibitors are governments, alliances and groups. They are housed in the buildings on the International Plaza and the International Mall.” (Official Guide Book, Seattle World's Fair 1962. Seattle: Acme Publications. p. 42.)

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00326

    Date: 1962-10-06

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  • Coliseum interior

    Coliseum interior

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Washington State Theme Exhibit, Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World’s Fair). “Rising in the center of the Coliseum, the ‘World of Tomorrow’ exhibit symbolizes the 21st century -- just beyond man’s reach yet within his range of vision. The theme of this structure of interlocking aluminum cubes, ‘The Threshold and the Threat,’ depicts the ambivalence of atomic power, to be employed either for the advancement or the annihilation of man and his planet. Visitors ascend to the overhead exhibit in a globe-shaped elevator, the ‘Bubbleator,’ for a 21-minute tour of the future, which includes a look at the city of tomorrow, the home of the future, and transportation, industry, food production, education, communications and recreation in the 21st century…The ‘World of Tomorrow’ exhibit was designed by the Donald Deskey Associates of New York and installed by the Radio Corporation of America. The State of Washington sponsored and financed the exhibit.” (Official press book: Seattle World's Fair 1

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_01095

    Date: 1962-10

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  • Mexico Pavilion; Self portrait (see other photo of same subject without portrait)

    Mexico Pavilion; Self portrait (see other photo of same subject without portrait)

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Government of Mexico Pavilion, Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World’s Fair). “Set off by red lavastone and amberglass walls, the Mexican pavilion offers a collection of leather goods, glassware, Indian blankets, bright cloth and clay and china pottery. Jewelry is displayed in a modernistic setting. The designers of the pavilion, Pedro Vasquez and Rafael Mijares, are from Mexico City. Mr. Molino, Director” (Official press book : Seattle World's Fair 1962. Seattle: Century 21 Exposition, p. 37.)

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00720

    Date: 1962-10

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  • View north across lower pool U.S. Science Bldg.

    View north across lower pool U.S. Science Bldg.

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    United States Science Pavilion, Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World’s Fair). “The lacy pattern of this six-unit complex placed around a central court with its 100-ft. high arches is in decided contrast to the forcefulness of Coliseum 21. In a sense, the pavilion is a salute to concrete, for it is believed to represent the largest single use of precast and prestressed structural components in the nation.” (An Architect’s Guidebook to the Seattle World’s Fair. Seattle, Pacific Builder and Engineer, April 1962, p. 21)

    Identifier: spl_wl_sec_01386

    Date: 1962-04-11

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  • Left is United Nation [i.e. Nations] Pavilion in International Mall

    Left is United Nation [i.e. Nations] Pavilion in International Mall

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    United Nations Pavilion and Africa Pavilion on the International Mall of the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair). International Mall of the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair). “Six hyperbolic paraboloid shells blending into a single fluted column make up two of the exhibit buildings; the third, not shown, is simply a box beam shelter. The twin structures actually are a collection of 52 of these shells and, with their classic Oriental overtones, seem to be particularly fitting for the foreign displays they contain. A fine, clean concrete surface was created by coating the four forms with fiberglass. High-early cement was used to cast the 1 ½ in. thick shells. With temperatures ranging from 35 to 65 deg., calcium chloride was added and cylinder strengths of over 3,000 lb. were obtained in 24 hours. Located on the northwest corner of the exposition site, the inside-out umbrellas with their colorful fiberglass panels present an exciting boundary.” (An Architect’s Guidebook to the Seattle World’s Fair. Seattle, Pacific Builder and Engineer, April 1962, p. 32.)

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00023

    Date: 1962-10-01

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