The Seattle Public Library Is Closed On Veterans Day
All locations of The Seattle Public Library and book returns at the Central Library will be closed on Veterans Day, Monday, November 11.
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Our Artists in Residence are hosting workshops, concerts, exhibits and tours through the end of the year!
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Belcourt, Billy-Ray
A Vicious Game
Blair, Melissa
Chilton, Lora
Emerson, Ramona
The Mighty Red
Erdrich, Louise
A Song Over Miskwaa Rapids
Grover, Linda LeGarde
I Was A Teenage Slasher
Jones, Stephen Graham
The Rediscovery of America
Blackhawk, Ned
Tsimshian Eagle
Boxley, David A.
A Drum in One Hand, A Sockeye in the Other
Coté, Charlotte
Living Resistance
Curtice, Kaitlin B.
Indigenous Firsts
Dennis, Yvonne Wakim
Birds Through Indigenous Eyes
Gaffin, Dennis
Weaving Sundown in A Scarlet Light
Harjo, Joy
The River Run
Beartrack-Algeo, Alfreda
To Shape A Dragon's Breath
Blackgoose, Moniquill
Godly Heathens
Edgmon, H. E.
Those Pink Mountain Nights
Ferguson, Jenny
Sheine Lende
Little Badger, Darcie
Saints of the Household
Tison, Ari
My Powerful Hair
Lindstrom, Carole
We Are Water Protectors
Powwow Day
Sorell, Traci
Berry Song
Goade, Michaela
Auntie's Rez Surprise
O'Watch, Heather
At the Mountain's Base
Be A Good Ancestor
Prince, Leona
Where Wolves Don't Die
Treuer, Anton
Little Moons
Storm, Jen
John-Kehewin, Wanda
Andreason, Bernard
Talking With Hands
Pahsetopah, Mike
Yahgulanaas, Michael Nicoll