• Unknown couple, ca. 1865

    Unknown couple, ca. 1865

    Tintype portrait of unidentified couple.

    Identifier: spl_lj_018

    Date: 1865?

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  • Unknown man in Galesburg, Illinois, ca. 1880

    Unknown man in Galesburg, Illinois, ca. 1880

    Harrison, Thomas

    Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison in Galesburg, Illinois.

    Identifier: spl_lj_043

    Date: 1880?

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  • Narcissa Latimer letter to Sarah Latimer, November 29, 1868

    Narcissa Latimer letter to Sarah Latimer, November 29, 1868

    Denny, Narcissa Latimer, 1851-1900

    Narcissa Leonora (Nora) Latimer Denny was the daughter of Alexander and Sarah Latimer. She had four sisters: Eliza Alice Latimer Fowler (1856-1934), Harriet Ellen Latimer Stephens (1859-1938), Clara Latimer Bickford (1861-1934), and Emma Chesney Latimer Reynolds (1864-1946). Narcissa married Orion Denny on April 1, 1889. The letter is addressed to her mother, Sarah, and discusses attending church and Sabbath school, gifts she received for her birthday and the differences between life in Minnesota and Illinois. The letter is written from Macomb, Illinois.

    Identifier: spl_lj_008

    Date: 1868-11-29

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  • Union soldiers, ca. 1865

    Union soldiers, ca. 1865

    Tintype portrait of five Union soldiers. Likely taken during the Civil War.

    Identifier: spl_lj_015

    Date: 1865?

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  • Couple standing next to large logs, August 1897

    Couple standing next to large logs, August 1897

    Denny, Narcissa Latimer, 1851-1900

    Transcribed from back of photograph: "Washington Logs, Iowa People. Aug '97. Photo by N.L.D. 4338 ft. of lumber on top log. August 1897."

    Identifier: spl_lj_056

    Date: 1897-08

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  • Arthur Bickford, ca. 1880

    Arthur Bickford, ca. 1880

    Meason, L.E.; Meason Studio

    Photograph taken by L.E. Meason in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Clara Latimer Bickford was the daughter of Alexander and Sarah Latimer and sister of Narcissa Latimer Denny. She married Arthur Farrington Bickford in 1888 in Minnesota. They lived in Seattle from roughly 1892-1900 before moving to Oregon.

    Identifier: spl_lj_037

    Date: 1880?

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  • Unknown girl, ca. 1865

    Unknown girl, ca. 1865

    Tintype portrait of unidentified girl.

    Identifier: spl_lj_017

    Date: 1865?

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  • Boat loading for Alaska, ca. 1897

    Boat loading for Alaska, ca. 1897

    Transcribed from back of photograph: "Scene on the dock of a boat loading for Alaska." Signs for the Oregon Improvement Company and the Galbraith Grain Company can be seen in the background.

    Identifier: spl_lj_057

    Date: 1897?

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  • Waterfront at foot of Union St., ca. 1896

    Waterfront at foot of Union St., ca. 1896

    Transcribed from photograph: "Waterfront at Foot of Spring Street, Seattle." Location appears to be closer to the base of Union St. Vulcan Iron Works (located between University and Union Streets) appears at the left with the Arlington Hotel (located at 1215 1st Ave.) behind it. The Arlington Dock and Golden Rule Bazaar appear at the right.

    Identifier: spl_lj_064

    Date: 1896?

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  • Envelope addressed to Sarah Latimer, June 3, 1892

    Envelope addressed to Sarah Latimer, June 3, 1892

    Empty envelope addressed to Sarah Latimer. Sarah was the wife of Alexander Latimer and mother to five daughters: Narcissa Leonora Latimer Denny (1851-1900), Eliza Alice Latimer Fowler (1856-1934), Harriet Ellen Latimer Stephens (1859-1938), Clara Latimer Bickford (1861-1934), and Emma Chesney Latimer Reynolds (1864-1946). The envelope was postmarked from Seattle.

    Identifier: spl_lj_012

    Date: 1892-06-03

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