• Argus: A.Y.P. ed., February 20, 1909

    Argus: A.Y.P. ed., February 20, 1909

    The Argus

    Special A.Y.P.E. edition of "the Argus" magazine. Articles concern the city of Seattle, the exposition, the Pay Streak, etc. Authors include J. E. Chilberg, Director General I. A. Nadeau, J. A. Wood, Robert Watson Boyce, George W. Kummer, Geo. E. Boos and C. B. Yandell. Also includes several pages of advertisements. Argus 16:3 (20 February 1909). 80 pages, 31 cm, illustrated.

    Identifier: spl_ayp_160304

    Date: 1909-02-20

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  • Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition: Seattle, June 1-October 16, 1909

    Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition: Seattle, June 1-October 16, 1909

    Northern Pacific Railway Company

    Guidebook released by the Northern Pacific Railway detailing the scope and purpose of the A.Y.P.E. and an overview of the buildings as well as "miscellaneous features" like the Pay Streak. Also included are statements about the ease of finding accommodations although "there will be no hotel on the grounds" (p.27), interesting side trips to take as well as stops to make along the Northern Pacific Railway. Includes fold out map of the United States depicting the Yellowstone Park Line and the stops along the way between Wisconsin and Washington. 45 pages, 22 cm, illustrated.

    Identifier: spl_ayp_2524191

    Date: 1909

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  • "Hawaiian Building at the A.-Y.-P.," The Coast August 1909

    "Hawaiian Building at the A.-Y.-P.," The Coast August 1909

    Cooper, Will J.

    A brief article describing the Hawaiian Building including its features, exhibits, furnishings, etc. Particular attention is paid to the exports on display such as pineapple, coconut, hardwoods and sisal (a fiber made from plants). In the author’s view, the exhibit is highly educational. Coast 18.2 (August 1909): 92-94, illustrated.

    Identifier: spl_ayp_179583_aug1909

    Date: 1909

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  • From A.Y.P. to Century 21: an address, June 1, 1959

    From A.Y.P. to Century 21: an address, June 1, 1959

    Davison, Frank Drake

    Address given by Frank Drake Davison for the Seattle Historical Society Luncheon at the Olympic Hotel on 1 June 1959, honoring the 50th anniversary of the A.Y.P.E. Discusses the cultural factors at play that made both time and place ripe for an exposition such as the A.Y.P.E. 9 pages, 28 cm.

    Identifier: spl_ayp_206386

    Date: 1959-06-01

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  • Invitation from the Arctic Brotherhood to the opening of the Arctic Brotherhood Building, June 2, 1909

    Invitation from the Arctic Brotherhood to the opening of the Arctic Brotherhood Building, June 2, 1909

    Arctic Brotherhood

    Printed invitation to the event to be held from 9:00 until 2:00. Signed by Grand Arctic Chief and Grand Arctic Recorder.

    Identifier: mohai_ayp_2006.3.46.16

    Date: 1909-06-02

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  • Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition educational exhibit, 1909

    Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition educational exhibit, 1909

    Shorrock, E.

    Small pamphlet including purpose and scope of Educational Exhibit. From page 3, "the contents of all these exhibits will set forth organization, legislation, administration, finances, general statistics, relating to schools and education, curriculum, principles and methods of instruction, results obtained, etc." 1 folded sheet which when folded creates 4 pages, 15 cm.

    Identifier: spl_ayp_2528464

    Date: 1909

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  • Participation in the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition: message from the President of the United States, 1911

    Participation in the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition: message from the President of the United States, 1911

    United States. Government Board of Managers Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, 1909.

    Participation in the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition: message from the President of the United States, transmitting the report of the United States Government Board of Managers of the government participation in the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. From page 3, "To the Senate and House of Representatives: I transmit herewith, for the information of the Congress, the report of the United States Government board of managers of the Government participation in the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, held at Seattle, Wash., June 1 to October 16, 1909, inclusive, and call the attention of the Congress to the recommendation of the board as to printing the report. Wm. H. Taft. The White House, December 7, 1910." Report includes descriptions of the government buildings and department exhibits as well as the exhibits of Alaska, Hawaii and the Philippines. 100 pages (not including illustrated plates), 29 x 23 cm, illustrated.

    Identifier: spl_ayp_895585

    Date: 1911

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  • Letter to H. E. Hibler, regarding the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, December 24, 1957

    Letter to H. E. Hibler, regarding the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, December 24, 1957

    Seattle Public Library; Municipal Reference Library

    Hand-typed letter dated 24 December 1957 from librarian Beatrice Hager of the Municipal Reference Library to Mr. H. E. Hibler of Cambridge, Massachusetts answering a series of questions posed by Mr. Hibler to the library regarding the A.Y.P.E. "Gives information on dates, official authority, financing, attendance and paid admissions, purposes, medal, and official song." 3 pages, 28 cm.

    Identifier: spl_ayp_2150864

    Date: 1957-12-24

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  • The 57 Exposition Number: Published by H.J. Heinz Co. in the interest of the Pure Food Movement booklet, 1909

    The 57 Exposition Number: Published by H.J. Heinz Co. in the interest of the Pure Food Movement booklet, 1909

    H.J. Heinz Company

    Booklet distributed by the H.J. Heinz Company that includes three kinds of essays. The first type discusses the A.Y.P.E. and its purpose and scope. The second type relates to the Pure Food Movement and makes a case for the elimination of preservatives in all food. The third type concerns stories and anecdotes about the selling and eating of Heinz products. Approximately 25 pages, illustrated.

    Identifier: mohai_ayp_2006.3.11

    Date: 1909

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  • Invitation from the Hill Testimonial Committee to the unveiling of the James J. Hill statue on the University of Washington campus, August 3, 1909

    Invitation from the Hill Testimonial Committee to the unveiling of the James J. Hill statue on the University of Washington campus, August 3, 1909

    Hill Testimonial Committee

    Printed invitation including names of "distinguished men" who would be present at the ceremony including Governor Johnson of Minnesota, Governor Hay of Washington and Lieutenant Governor Dunsmuir of British Columbia.

    Identifier: mohai_ayp_2006.3.46.6

    Date: 1909-08-03

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